Social Events

"There was beer in Leuven even before there were students, though the two have seemed inseparabe for quite some time. A brewpub called 'The Hunting Horn' was noted in local records for 1366 in the city. Nearby was forest land in which wild boar and deer were hunted. In 1425, the university was established, later to welcome Erasmus, Mercator and generations of student brewers. It is the world's oldest Catholic university. A century after the foundation of the university, the city has 42 breweries."

[ from "Michael Jackson's Great beers of Belgium" p.399, Lannoo Publishers.]

The social programme of Middleware 2008 is a healthy mix of a traditional conference programme, (with a welcome reception on Tuesday and a conference diner on Thursday) and some additional events that are associated with Leuven's beer tradition. On Monday, a decent pub crawl will allow you to get familiar with the city center and the main locations of the conference. On Wednesday, we will visit the Stella Artois breweries, home of Stella Artois - and producer of many, many other brands.

Date Event
Mon December 1, 19:00 Pub crawl
Tue December 2, 18:00 Welcome reception at Salons Georges
Wed December 3, 18h00 or 19:30 Visit Stella Artois
Wed December 3, 19h30 Guided Tour of Leuven
Thu December 4, 18:30 Reception at town hall and conference dinner at the Faculty Club.